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March Hare
S2 licensed
This is the umptyumpth time this same thing has been discussed in this thread. It's the umptyumpth to the power of umptyumpth time it has been discussed on these forums.

Again a drifter bumped this thread to state how drifting is so great. How many racers have bumped this to say how they dislike drifting?

Why can't you drifters leave this topic alone? Why can't you accept the fact that many people don't want to hear your whining about how drifting is harder than racing and how racers don't like drifters and yadda yadda blah blah... etc.

Give it a rest will you!

You want to drift. Is anyone preventing you from drifting in LFS? I don't think so. Naturally if you go to a race server and start drifting you are bound to get kicked. The fact is that you are a slow moving hazard on the track and are preventing the racers from doing their thing. Trying to drive as fast as possible.

I wish a mod would lock this thread because it's been going around in circles for the past few months or so.

Drifters, go drift! And stop being so insecure. Do your thing and don't give a rats ass about what other people say.
Racers, go race!
Those who do both, do them on the appropriate servers.

@Nathan, you might be a good drifter but your racing needs a lot of work. Smoothness is the key. With practise you can become a good one. Unlike me who'll always be slow and can't pass people. Hope to see you in the next event.
March Hare
S2 licensed
See you there.
March Hare
S2 licensed
I really need to learn how to pass people.

You just got the power down better in the corner before the straight. Sorry for the slight nudge in the last turn of the last lap.

Thanks for another grat event. Looking forward to the next one.
March Hare
S2 licensed
Quote from ajp71 :I tend to be about the same speed as them and have fun really winding them up when they can't get away from me.

I wish I could do the same. I'm just not fast enough.
March Hare
S2 licensed
Quote from kamkorPL :I remember once racing at bl rallyx and there were 2 guys there from same team. One would be slowing you down, blocking very very dirty(Like you and him are in the inside and then the guy sudennly brakes), so the other one would catch up. When the other one would catch up the one at front would again do dirty things on you, and the friend of him from behind would push you very dirty out of the corner. Shit like this happens, and it's very annoying.

I certainly hope you reported those idiots.

That's the main problem with CTRA. No live admining. On the other hand. Can a live admin make the right decision on an incident without reviewing the replay? If he happened to see it, then yes. If he didn't see it, who is he supposed to believe?

For live admining to work well you'd need several admins round the clock on a server. Who is going to spend their time looking at other people race 24/7? For no reward for that matter.

The CTRA system is good. It might not get rid of the wrecker instantly but in the end it will. But only if other people use the reporting feature. Several of the CTRA admins that frequent these forums have said that they want people to report incidents.
March Hare
S2 licensed
Another bump of this worthless thread by... TADAH! ...a drifter.
March Hare
S2 licensed
Quote from gezmoor :and try as hard as you can she just canna be made tae driiiiiiift !!!
March Hare
S2 licensed
So pr0n makes you faster? Damn! I gotta find me some good sites to DL it from!
March Hare
S2 licensed

Political debates are for politicians. They have nothing to do with LFS.

Free speech blah blah

Keep it in the off-topic section. Don't force us poor innocent bystanders to witness your stupidity.

Don't know where this started but I'm going to the OT section to find out and
March Hare
S2 licensed
Quote from Speed Soro :It doesn't make sense that the bargraph is just a temperature display, cause if so it could be just a rectangle (or a square or any other shape) with color variations.

You sure do whine alot.

Did you finally realise that you actually were using the clutch wrong and now to save face you start to whine about the gauge?

The gauge is there to show the state of your clutch.
  • Only a bit of orange. = Fine keep on racing.
  • Lots of orange. = You might want to be a bit more sensitive.
  • Some red. = You are in trouble ease off.
  • Full red. = Now you done it. Learn to use the clutch properly.
It's very informative and accurately shows the state of your clutch. Who gives a fetid dingo's kidneys what the actual measurement is.

Why aren't you, Soro, attacking the suspension damage gauges? They too only give information about how badly the suspension is damaged. The display doesn't say how the suspension arm is bent or in which direction. It just shows there is damage. Just like for the clutch.
March Hare
S2 licensed
Quote from ajp71 :Erm... no the ISI model doesn't simulate clutch heat or wear

LOL! Soro is so good at shifting that he burns the clutch even in a game that doesn't have clutch failures!

There went the rest of his credibility.
March Hare
S2 licensed
Well you could argue about that. Anime is Japanese for cartoon so technically South Park is anime.

Same with manga. The Japanese will call a Spiderman comic a manga.
March Hare
S2 licensed
Or the person using the manual clutch incorrectly.
On the previous page I posted some replays where I started in 5th gear with autoclutch. In the latter there is hardly any heat at all.
Last edited by March Hare, . Reason : Damn SpaceBar.
March Hare
S2 licensed
Quote from Inouva :Ohh... you are so funny ¬¬

That's me in a nutshell.
March Hare
S2 licensed
No use. He's going to beat us all anyway.
Maybe 50% restriction and lots of penalty weights to make it more interesting?

To be honest, it's not his fault we are so slow.
March Hare
S2 licensed
Quote from AndroidXP :Then you get corrected and feel like an idiot.

Or you refuse to accept that you are doing something wrong and end up lookin even more of an idiot.
March Hare
S2 licensed
Quote from Speed Soro :I won't post any replay. I don't need to prove what I'm saying.

If you want to be taken seriously then you need proof. Otherwise you are just shooting of your mouth.
March Hare
S2 licensed
Quote from southamptonfc :I agree with this, you can pull away in 5th gear in a road car and still change gear without the clutch slipping like crazy, in lfs you can't

Post a vid of you doing this both IRL and LFS.

Here are two replays of me driving with mouse and KB starting with the 5th gear on a road car with the dreaded autoclutch! Watch the clutch indicator! And enjoy my grandad like driving skillz!
Explicit content! Parental quidance advised.
Last edited by March Hare, .
March Hare
S2 licensed
The internet:
Where men a re men; women are other men; and children are FBI agents.

Inouva, this is the anime thread and those pics aren't from one.
March Hare
S2 licensed
Quote from Gekkibi :Maybe he don't want to proove that he is doing it wrong.

That is the logical conclusion.
Unfortunately that takes all credibility out of their arguments.
Even so they want us to prove that you can fry a clutch IRL. Go figure
March Hare
S2 licensed
Still waiting for those replays of the clutch failures.

Kind of hard to help anybody who doesn't give out any details of the problem.
March Hare
S2 licensed
You are a sick person.
March Hare
S2 licensed
Don't waste your breath. He is incapable of improving as a driver.

He refuses to post a replay of the clutch problem so in all likelyhood there is no problem. He is just a stupid troll.
March Hare
S2 licensed
I watched the video posted by Speed Soro. Or not posted.

I'm much more aggressive with the throtle. Still my clutch stays cool.
I must be über 1337 driver! Oh crap. It's not me who is 1337 it's the autoclutch.

Does GTL model clutch heat or malfunction?
Last edited by March Hare, .
March Hare
S2 licensed
Those other people should change to the SI-units. Would make everything much simpler.